Monday, December 17, 2007


So Addy is getting bigger and so are her splashes! Bath-time is getting to be a lot of fun with her now.
Splish splash, and nothing can harm her as long as she has her trust facecloth to suck on!

Really would you trust this face with nitro glycerene ;-)

She is becoming more and more a little person. She will be 3 months tomorrow. WOW where is the time going! Already I see so much change and at time it makes me teary, knowing that I will never get that time back with her. As I craddle her in my arms as she sleeps, I think tomorrow she will a little different, and I try to burn the image of her sleeping in my head, so I don't forget in years to come. She is sooo precious, a sponge eager to see the world and I am eager to show it to her!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

christmas time

Well it is that time of year, and this being Addy's first Christmas.. I thought this picture was perfect for today. She has no clue what is going on, just that mommy keeps putting this hat on her! Can you believe that she will be 3 months old next week. How time has flown. She is growing so much, and is changing almost everyday. There are mornings I will look at her and see a change. It's really unbelievable.

I have also discovered that to go out shopping anywhere, and to do anything, I need to tack on an extra hour. Why you may ask? Its from all the people stopping me to look at her! I think it's her eyes, she looks at you with her eyes and it's like she is looking into your soul, and then right on cue she smiles at you and she turns a man that looks like he hasn't smiled in years into a this mushy man, eager to see one more smile to make his day. What is it about Addy?

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Back from winter wonderland

Well this is a short post, and will fill in more details, but after three weeks of being away, I have returned.
All I can say is -31 is freaken cold. I am just in the process of downloading my photos and will be adding them very soon.
These past few weeks have been an adventure for me, alot of learning and self healing.

It's good to be back in Victoria, but I have learnedd something more valuable, that there is no place like home and right now I miss home!